It’s GO time!

It’s GO time!

Ladies, gentlemen, good people of the world, the time is here to take a good hard look at where you are and where you believe you are going.  Do you qualify yourself as a believer?  By believer I mean that you believe that you’re good with God and when this whole shindig called life is over, you will be sitting pretty.  Or maybe you qualify yourself as a “good” person–you pretty much don’t do any of the “bad” sins like murder or rape or stealing from your mother..?

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Sustainability Pt. 2: Relax, Relate, Evaluate

Please see below for notes…

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Sustainability Pt. 1: Be Fruitful, Multiply, Replenish (Summary)

#Spirit-Led Living

2013 Atlanta Male/Female Relationship Forum featuring No Substitute Ministries

The Black Male Female Relationship Show  proudly presents:

The 1st Installment of the Atlanta Male/Female Relationship Forum

Featuring none other than No Substitute Ministries very own Suzanne Daniels and Cafria Hart and hosted By Kevin Sheaff!

A.Men! A REALTalk Panel on Kingdom Anointed Men

Resilience! A REALTalk Panel on How to Bounceback from Life’s Circumstances

Word Power

Notes provided below!

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The Indispensable Woman Pt. 1

Notes provided below!

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Revelation Bible Study #6