Hello No Substitute Ministries Followers
The ladies of No Substitutes Ministries would like to thank you for all your support and encouragement you have given us throughout 2014. It truly is a blessing!
We wanted to share another great way you can support No Substitute Ministries.
From now on whenever you shop via Amazon for items big or small Amazon Smile will donate 0.5% of your purchase to NSM! Once again AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO YOU! Please support No Substitute Ministries by choosing us as your Amazon Smile charity.
Amazon Smile is the charitable component of Amazon. The prices and service is exactly the same. The only difference is when you shop at Amazon and select No Substitute Ministries as your charity of choice 0.5% will be donated to No Substitute Ministries.
You might be wondering how this is possible. It is so simple! Visit http://smile.amazon.com/ch/46-2792136
Please share this link with all your friends and family.
Thank you once again for supporting No Substitute Ministries. We look forward to serving you in 2015.
No Substitute Ministries