Where’s Your Head At? (Pt. 1)

Notes provided below!


Mission/Vision Statement

 The Mission of the No Substitute Ministries Bible study group is to bring clarity and understanding to God’s Word so that we can apply it to our lives in a practical and effective manner, enabling us to impact the lives of others and bring change to our world through our application of the Gospel.

Bible Study Agenda

  • Prayer
  • Song
  • Bible Study/Topic Discussion
  • Questions/Answers/open discussion
  • Close with prayer

Study Focus for Saturday, February 2, 2013

Key Points of Discussion:

  • Review
    • Renewing the Mind/Soul
    • Tri-part nature of Man
    • The Gospel of Grace
    • Life In the Spirit
  • Where’s Your Head At? (Coming out of idolatry Pt. 1)
  1. Change begins with renewing your mind and it is a process, not a one time event, and it involves both the addition of “Good” and subtraction of “Bad” from your life.
    1. In order for change to take place around you, it must begin with you. Change begins with renewing your mind and altering the way you think to line up with God’s Word (Romans 12:1, 2).chaindestiny
  2. Man is a tri-part being—spirit, soul, and body (1 Thessalonians 5:23).
    1. We ARE spirit beings, created in the image and likeness of God.  We POSESS a soul – our mind, will and emotions.  We LIVE INSIDE of a body.
    2. The spirit was never designed to be led by the Body, or by the worldly, sense-knowledge of the mind, but by the Word of God.  We are spirits and must keep our bodies and minds in subjection to the Word of God.
  3. Grace is the power that we have through Jesus not only saves and restores us to right standing with God, but also helps us live victoriously.
    1. When we become born again, God not only gives us the grace to receive salvation, He also gives us the grace to live our lives in a way that pleases Him. We are the righteousness of God through grace (2 Corinthians 5:21). There is grace available for everything we need in life; we access grace through faith in God’s Word (Ephesians 2:4-10, Romans 3:21-31, 5:1-5).
  4. To “walk in the Spirit” is to be led constantly, through any and all situations by the Spirit of God.  As Christians, we are instructed to live EVERYDAY of our lives in this manner.
    1. Come to understand, accept, and grow in the knowledge of Grace.  Understanding grace is the doorway to being filled with the Spirit. Under the grace of God, we are dead to the law, and birthed into a life in The Spirit (Romans 7:4, Galatians 2:19).
    2. Be FILLED with the Spirit of God and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh (Ephesians 5:15-19, Acts 2:1-4).
  5. Distraction is a tactic of the enemy, Satan.  Distraction must be directly countered by focus in order to mitigate and/or eliminate its effects.
    1. As Christians, we must remember that we have an enemy whose plan is to undermine the will of God.  (Matt 13:24-28, 39)Know and understand that whatever the enemy uses, we have the grace (power) to overcome (Luke 10:19).
    2. Just as Jesus did, when Satan attempted to deceive Him through distraction, we must counter with focus on the Word of God (Luke 4:1-14, Matt  4:1-11, Luke 11:17-36, Colossians 3:1-2, 1 Tim 4:16, 1 Pet 1:13-16)
    3. Actively align your words AND actions with Jesus through prayer, confessions, reading the Word of God (The Bible), and service (actively helping others through the sacrifice of your time, talents, energy, and/or resources) in order to cultivate an environment that is focused on the advancement of the Kingdom of God (Psalm 86:11, Acts 17:28, Eph 5:3, James 4:7-8, Hebrews 12:1-2)

Where’s Your Head At?

Scripture References

  • Matthew 8:10
  • Exodus 20:3-4
  • James 4:5-8
  • Ezekiel 6:8-9
  • Colossians 3:5-6
  • 1 Samuel 4-7
  • 2 Kings 9:22
  • 1 King 11:4-9
  • 1 Kings 16:29
  • 2 Kings 9
  • Colossians 2:6-10
  • 1 Peter 2:7-9
  • Matthew 6:33


And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.” – Matthew 8:20

Head –  the upper or anterior division of the body that contains the brain, the chief sense organs, and the mouth; the seat of the intellect; the source of a stream; director, leader: as headmaster or one in charge of a division or department in an office or institution; the leading element of a military column or a procession; the place of leadership, honor, or command…even to set the course of (as in…to “head” a ship northward).

The word head can be joined with many different words to distinguish devoted enthusiasm, or even addictions, vices (such as drugs).  What are you pursuing?  What are you under the influence of? Ex:  Pothead, crackhead, computerhead…

If you are distracted, delirious, or downright crazy, what do they call you?  Out of your head.

Synonyms of “head”: chief, commanding, first, foremost, high, lead, leading, preeminent, premier, presiding, primary, prime, principal, super-eminent  supreme, top, in charge.  Related Words: aim, bend, direct, point, turn;

With this said – Jesus Christ is the anointed and appointed head of the Church.  All who accept him as Lord and Savior become a part of the Body of Christ of which, once again, Jesus is the appointed head.  With the definition of head now fresh in your mind, can you say with confidence that Jesus fits the description of The Head in your life?  If not…then where’s your head at?

If there is something else…ANYTHING else at your head…repent TODAY…change your mind and “redo your top floor”(Think “penthouse”).  Replace your head…the true head…where it belongs and you will have victory in your life just as it has been promised to you in the word of God.

  1. God desires to be the head of your life.
    1. It is his utmost desire to be our God, our father, our leader, our priority, and utmost object of affection (Exodus 20:3-4)
    2. God wants us for him and him alone – our only source.  There can be no substitute. (James 4:5-8, Luke 16:13, Ezekiel 6:8-9)
  1. The power of God cannot be wielded (used for our benefit) in idolatry – if God is not at the head, then idolatry is in motion.
    1. Throughout the Bible there are countless examples of the amazing, matchless power of God.  We must however, take not of the defeat that happens when the power of God is unavailable to his people.  This only occurs when something else has replaced God as Lord and master (1 Samuel 4-7)
    2. God has made us kings and priests, joint heirs with Christ (Revelation 1:6, Romans 8:17).  To walk in the honor he has bestowed upon us, we absolutely cannot walk in idolatry (1 King 11:4-9, 1 Kings 16:29 – see all of I Kings and II Kings to see how the power was torn from the kings and priests that turned their heart from God!)
    3. As Christians, a stand must be taken against idolatry in all forms.  We must have God as our God.  As our Head. And we must not allow idolatry to thrive among us.  It’s time to grow up and be the body we were created to be (2 Kings 9:22, Colossians 3:5-6)
  1. Repent. Replace. Repair. Win
    1. God is the only one qualified to lead us and guide us (1 Chronicles 29:10-13, Acts 4:8-13, Ephesians 1:18-23, Colossians 1:16-19)
    2. When God is first place in our lives, leading us and guiding us – we win (1 Samuel 4-7, 2 Kings 9, Colossians 2:6-10, 1 Peter 2:7-9, Matthew 6:33)